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Green Tips: How to organize a community cleanup

If you want to build a sense community and instill pride in your neighborhood, then organize a cleanup. Community cleanups are more than tidying up- they’re giving back to those who gave so much for the place we call home!

You need a stellar plan to make your community clean-up day unforgettable. We’ll show you how with our easy instructions and helpful tips on what items are needed for this great cause!

1. How to Pick a Project – The right project motivates participants and fixes real problems in your local area, which is why they’re so popular! Clean up projects include:

  • Litter picking
  • Beach and river cleanups
  • Beautification Projects
  • Planting activities

Is there an area on your block where trash piles up continuously? Do you notice it every day and wish nothing would be done about the problem? Make a change by choosing one sore point that needs attention.


It’s important to choose a project that you can complete in one afternoon with minimal equipment. Make sure the city doesn’t require permission or permits before choosing your work, and plan ahead so as not to reschedule it if necessary!

2. Create a Plan – The importance of a specific plan for cleaning up your community cannot be overstated. It is important that you make sure to take all necessary steps before the event takes place. To get volunteers and call it a job well done, you need a detailed plan.


You need to know:

A good way to ensure you have enough people is by noting how many volunteers are needed. Not only will it encourage more people join, but having an accurate headcount helps with managing the day and ensures everyone feels invested in their contribution towards building community at your event.

3. Gather Your People – Volunteering is an important way to give back and make your community better. You want people throughout the area, not just close friends or family members helping out on clean up days! That’s why recruiting extra hands will be necessary for many jobs at any cleanup event you participate in- but don’t worry about having too much work because pride orientation means everything here; everyone feels good when they know their efforts made a difference.,

You can’t recruit volunteers without reminding them of the date one week out! You should send a follow up to remind people and update with any essential details. Recruiting isn’t just about finding new members; it also means staying in touch with your current supporters as well so that they know what’s going on at their local chapter or event.”

4. The Project Coordinator – Your neighborhood cleanup needs a project coordinator to be the go-to person for all planning needs (maybe that’s you!). Event planners with event experience are ideal, but any volunteer willing and eagerness will do in this position! It’s important they have some leadership skills as well; it would not make sense otherwise if one were leading only themselves or their spouse during an assigned task like organizing volunteers or making sure everything goes according plan on site at either end of things – before/during).

5. Find Supplies – The supplies you need vary according to project. It’s a good idea to consider supplies when choosing the project itself – but don’t just buy something because it seems fun or challenging! Think about if volunteers are able bring their own materials first before investing in expensive tools/instructions for them upfront; this will make sure there’s enough time left over on your part so that everything runs smoothly down-stream… ideally with some extra stuff leftover at least once (for those who want more!). You can start using simple household items like glue sticks, paintbrushes etc., which might end up saving big later by cutting costs significantly during future activities too.

Not sure what you’ll need? Get in touch with other community organizers to learn more about the tools they use in their projects.

6. On The Day: Organization! – Planning is half the battle and day has finally arrived! Now it’s time to start the work. To make your planning meaningful, organize everyone into groups and assign each group a task before arriving on site (to save time). If you’re having trouble coming up with anything complicated for them or just need an outline of steps they can take then provide those as well too – but be sure that any tasks given have been carefully thought out so there won’t be confusion later down the line when things might get rough due in part from not being planned properly beforehand either way.

7. Task Assignment – Let your volunteers know what to do and they will be more enthusiastic about getting things done. Ask each volunteer for specific tasks during cleanup, instead of making them guess or waiting around until someone says something like “I can take out the trash.”

Volunteers are always needed for the many different tasks that need doing in order help make our communities clean and safe. One task might be


8. Make a Plan for Debris Removal – To tidy up your community, you will need to get rid of debris. Contact the city government about options for scheduling a pickup and trash or recycling dumpster if it’s expected that there is going to be lots of waste collected during cleanup efforts.

9. Party – A post-cleanup party is the best way to show your appreciation for all their hard work. Other options include providing snacks, a t-shirt or simply sending handwritten thank you notes after each volunteer event!

It’s always nice to be recognized for doing something good. You should celebrate your group! A post-work party is not only an opportunity to continue the community fellowship, but it can also help you thank volunteers too if money is tight or resources limited – even with just a handwritten note letting people know how much their hard work means in such difficult times (which might seem like they’re outside our scope). Don’t forget about posting photos of what has been accomplished together online so far; this will motivate other groups who want give back as well…

What kind of events would make sense at these types of festivals? How often do fundraisers happen there and which ones did we miss?).

Ready to plan a cleanup? Now that you know how, use these tips for an event with lasting impact. Share what worked best in the comments below!